An Interview With Citizen Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocate Skip Murray
We talked to Skip Murray about her personal harm reduction journey from smoking cigarettes to vaping, and how she meets every person “where they’re at” on their own journeys to smoking cessation.

Interconnected: Harm Reduction and Older Adults
Baby Boomers are using substances—both legal and illegal—at increasing rates. They deserve attention, autonomy in making decisions about their health, and access to options that can reduce their risks.

Harm Reduction Belongs Everywhere
It’s time to get over our instinct to tell people to “just quit” whatever they’re doing, which too often really means—whether we intend it to or not—“serves you right” or “quit or die.”

Lawmakers’ best intentions on vaping could cost lives
Lawmakers typically have a bias for action. When they perceive a social problem, they quickly draft legislation—however flawed—to try to address it.

The Western War On Vaping Is Harming Public Health
E-cigarettes are widely recognized as a useful tool for reduced usage of traditional combustible tobacco products.

Flavor bans might keep youth from vaping, but could also hurt smokers who are trying to quit
Columbus, Ohio, lawmakers are considering a flavor ban on tobacco products.

E-cigarettes are at least as safe and effective as nicotine replacement therapy for pregnant smokers looking to quit
The quest to find more effective tobacco cessation tools as well as safer alternatives to combustible cigarettes is key for empowering pregnant smokers to improve their health.
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The Safer from Harm blog features analysis, interviews, news, and more from across the spectrum about public health and harm reduction.
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