An Interview With Citizen Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocate Skip Murray
We talked to Skip Murray about her personal harm reduction journey from smoking cigarettes to vaping, and how she meets every person “where they’re at” on their own journeys to smoking cessation.

“There’s a Lot of Pressure To Work”: An Interview with Chris Lalevee, Construction Industry Harm Reduction Advocate
We talked to Chris Lalevee, construction industry veteran and co-founder of The Alliance for Naloxone Safety in the Workplace, about the huge scale of the overdose crisis in the construction industry and his work to bring harm reduction knowledge and resources to job sites.

Building Pharmacy Linkages to HIV Prevention and Care: An Interview with Courage Forward Strategies’ Sara Zeigler and Aliyah Ali
We were excited to talk with Sara Zeigler and Aliyah Ali at Courage Forward Strategies, a public health strategy firm that is working to expand access to HIV prevention and linkage to care services through community pharmacies.

What the…? Safer From Harm on Methadone
Methadone is a “gold standard” treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD). But it is over-regulated, stigmatized, and out of reach for many Americans. We talk to Stacey McKenna, R Street’s Resident Senior Fellow in Integrated Harm Reduction, to understand how methadone works, identify existing barriers, and learn what is being done to expand access.

The Effects of Drug Decriminalization in Oregon: An Interview with Drug Policy Alliance’s Matt Sutton
In 2020, Oregonians passed the Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act, which decriminalized possession of small quantities of formerly illicit drugs.

Why the Harm Reduction Movement Needs Diversity
Why the Harm Reduction Movement Needs Diversity: An interview with Anthony Salandy
The Latest on Harm Reduction
The Safer from Harm blog features analysis, interviews, news, and more from across the spectrum about public health and harm reduction.
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